Prime Video has unveiled the first trailer for “Poacher,” the new series from Emmy-winning “Delhi Crime” creator Richie Mehta, executive produced by Bollywood star Alia Bhatt. An eight-part crime drama based on true events, “Poacher,” which bowed at Sundance 2023, uncovers the largest ivory poaching ring in Indian history. It is produced by QC Entertainment, the Oscar-winning production and finance company known for Jordan Peele’s “Get Out” and Spike Lee’s “BlacKkKlansman.” Nimisha Sajayan, Roshan Mathew and Dibyendu Bhattacharya lead the cast.
Mehta said: “I am sure the series will act as an eye-opener in many ways – how interdependent and complex the relationship between humans and other species is and how any negative action can result in an environmental imbalance, leading to dire repercussions.”
Bhatt added: “I hope that Richie’s powerful storytelling compels everyone to champion the urgent need for wildlife preservation and encourages us to embrace co-existence with all living beings.”
“Poacher” is executive produced by QC Entertainment’s Edward H. Hamm Jr., Raymond Mansfield and Sean McKittrick, in association with Suitable Pictures, Poor Man’s Productions and Bhatt’s Eternal Sunshine Productions. Alan McAlex (“A Suitable Boy”) serves as producer for Suitable Pictures. The series streams from Feb. 23.